The Pavilion Lights Up Red to Support Live Event Industry
The Woodlands, TX - On the evening of Tuesday, September 1, 2020, The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion lit up red in support of the performing arts industry as part of the nationwide #RedAlertRESTART campaign. The call to action aims to raise awareness of the economic impact of the Coronavirus on venues and their employees throughout the country.

The RESTART Act and the Save Our Stages Act offer economic relief to the live events industry, which has been shuttered since March 2020. Red Alert also advocates for extending Pandemic Unemployment Assistance to provide relief to those without work since March due to COVID-19. Nationwide, 12 million show workers are estimated to be unemployed because of COVID-19, including designers, technicians, programmers, stagehands, and others.
Additionally, the movement is to support ExtendPUA.org in its efforts towards the continuation and extension of the Pandemic Unemployment Act to provide relief to those without work due to COVID-19. Additional information about the campaign can be found online at www.wemakeevents.org.
For more information about The Pavilion, please visit our website at www.woodlandscenter.org. Look for The Pavilion on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram, or download The Pavilion’s iOS or Android app.
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Opened in 1990, The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion is part of The Center for the Performing Arts at The Woodlands, a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization that provides diverse, high-quality performing arts events for the entertainment and enrichment of a broad regional audience. Through numerous educational and community outreach programs, The Center is a catalyst for attracting new audiences to the performing arts and building strong ties between the arts and educational institutions.