![Before you go...](https://s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/busites_www/cynthiawoods/1-default/1-cynthia-woods/eventsdetails_feature_rules24_1705599865.jpg)
Before you go...
Know the Clear Bag Policy
August 7, 2010
$76 Reserved Pit / $76, $50.50 & $40.50 Reserved / $26 Lawn
Lawn 4 Pack $79 ($19.75 each)
Gates: 6:30 p.m.
Preferred parking is sold out for this event.
No professional cameras with lenses in excess of 6 inches. Point & shoot and disposable cameras are permitted. Video with cell phone and point and shoot cameras are permitted. No true hand-held video (i.e., Sony Hand Cam) not permitted.